The Capitals Coalition has been seeking feedback on the Transparent methodology for standardised corporate natural capital accounting over the past months - and the deadline has been extended a second time - you now have until December 17, 2021 to have your say.

Key stakeholders have highlighted the importance of ensuring that progress and learnings from major intergovernmental events such as COP15 Part 1 and COP26 are reflected in the updated methodology. Therefore, the organisers have decided to extend the consultation to December 17 to ensure that the methodology remains robust and fit-for-purpose.
You can find out more and participate in the Transparent consultation HERE.
Meanwhile, the Capitals Coalition and ERM: Environmental Resources Management are launching a Social & Human Capital Primer for Business - how companies use value accounting to make decisions on human and social capital issues, including health and safety, paying a living wage and talent retention.
Launching November 18th, register here: