Our free workshop will explore nature-related data in Ireland and make recommendations for improving the data landscape in Ireland.

Natural Capital Ireland is delighted to announce our inaugural Data 4 Nature workshop on Tuesday, 11th May, 2021via Zoom. The event will run in two parts: a morning session from 10am to 11.30am and an afternoon session from 2pm to 3.30pm.
The event will focus on the types of data needed for natural capital accounting and biodiversity monitoring e.g. data relating to natural capital assets, extent and location and ecosystem condition, services and benefits.
The event has two primary objectives:
Establish the state-of-play for nature-related data in Ireland
Make recommendations for improving the availability, accuracy, usability, accessibility, reproducibility, and discoverability of nature-related data in Ireland
Through the workshop discussions we want to determine what more needs to be done to ensure that nature-related data is open, accessible and used to improve our environment.
Morning session - 10.00-11.30am
The morning session will focus on The Big Picture: Data for Nature in the EU and Ireland. We will hear from national and international speakers on open data, including:
Dr Edward Curry, Co-Principal Investigator at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics
Professor Yvonne Buckley of Trinity College Dublin and the All-Island Climate and Biodiversity Research Unit
Afternoon session 2.00-3.30pm
The afternoon session will focus on Data Collectors, Publishers and Users, highlighting the breadth of Irish research that makes use of - and contributes to - nature-related open data. We will hear from:
Dr Liam Lysaght, Director of the National Biodiversity Data Centre
Paddy Morris, EPA Catchments Unit
Tony Brew, OPW
Pioneering projects such as: INCASE, ESM, OPERANDUM, Terrain AI and DEMETER
This event is funded under the Open Data Engagement Fund of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
You can register here on eventbrite. We hope to see you there!