Workshop hub

This is the data hub for the Data 4 Nature workshop, organised and hosted by Natural Capital Ireland on May 11th, 2021. Thanks to the 100+ attendees who joined us in taking a closer look at the state-of-play for nature-related data in Ireland.
The workshop was funded under the Open Data Engagement Fund of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform with additional funding from the Office of Public Works.
As a final output, a report was produced for the Minister for State with Responsibility for Communications Ossian Smyth that provides recommendations for improving the availability, accuracy, usability, accessibility, reproducibility and discoverability of data to support nature research and conservation.
5 key recommendations are:
Develop one central dashboard for Irish nature data
Establish robust data gathering protocols
Harmonise formats
Publicise and promote
Ensure open & equal access for all
Click below to read the final report:
slide decks
Dr Luke Binns
Liam Lysaght
Tony Brew
Lisa Coleman
Paddy Morris
Ainhoa Gonzalez
Rowan Fealy & Tim McCarthy
Kevin Doolin
Pick and choose from the entire workshop's sessions to catch what you missed or what's most relevant to your work. While the breakout room chat isn't available, note-taker summaries from the chats are.
WATCH Dr Edward Curry, Co-Principal Investigator at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics
WATCH Prof Yvonne Buckley, Trinity College Dublin & the All-Island Climate and Biodiversity Research Network
WATCH Gemma Weir, Ecological Data Manager, National Parks & Wildlife Service
WATCH Breakout Rooms Reports
WATCH Dr Liam Lysaght, Director of the National Biodiversity Data Centre
WATCH Paddy Morris, EPA Catchments Unit
WATCH Ainhoa Gonzalez, ESM Webtools
WATCH Rowan Fealy & Tim McCarthy, Terrain-AI
WATCH Q&A, rapporteur Kieran Sullivan of AgriDISCRETE project